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Designing a Chanel advert

 In order to strengthen my editing skills, I wanted to design an ad campaign which would be reminiscent of Chanel's Valentines day ads shown on social media. Due to the pandemic, I did not have access to the software that would give me the desired effect, however, I will explain my plans anyway. The software I used was the free editing software, GIMP. Mood board of the valentines day adverts shown on social media as well as other memorable campaigns/products: I wanted to use Chanel no.5 as the central product, this is due to it's history within the fashion house. Noted by the BBC, the history of the perfume is that Coco Chanel wanted to create a perfume which 'could describe the new, modern woman she epitomised.'  Ernest Beaux, a perfumer, took up Chanel's challenge and created 10 samples for her to try. He numbered them 1 to 5 and 20 to 24 - Coco picked no. 5. (1) In my mood board, there is an advertisement with the tagline, 'Chanel becomes the woman you are....

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